Thursday, May 29, 2008

baby shower! (kendra)

A couple of Saturdays ago, some of our friends had a baby shower for us. It was lots of fun! It was a couples shower so boys were allowed. :-) We had it outdoors and the weather was perfect. The sun was shining, and the temperature was just right. We had a little bbq, opened gifts from our thoughtful and generous friends, ate some delicious homemade cake, threw around softballs and baseballs and footballs, and just enjoyed the nice day. It was great! Much thanks to the lovely ladies who put it all together (namely Marcia, April, and Lesley). You girls are the best!

Our nice shady spot for opening our gifts didn't turn out to be the best choice for photos, unfortunately. But here are a few anyway! You might notice Jason's cool shirt. It was actually passed down to him from his dad. He got it when Jason's mom was pregnant with Jason!

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