Saturday, March 29, 2008

my stint as a high school teacher (kendra)

When I found out that I was pregnant, I was nearing the end of a 3-month job as a long-term sub for a high school chemistry teacher who was on maternity leave (yes, a little ironic). The job was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done…for the most part, if I wasn’t sleeping, I was working. Thankfully, my amazing husband supported me through it all and pick up the slack around the house. If it weren’t for him, I probably wouldn’t have eaten much during that job. As it was, I certainly wasn’t eating enough for two and knew that needed to change immediately!

Fortunately, I made it through the rest of the job without too much trouble. Morning sickness had begun to rear its ugly head, but I was able to push through and not let it get in the way too much. By Christmas, I was done being a high school chemistry sub…and extremely thankful for it. Jason and I headed home to CT for a refreshing time with family and friends.

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