Saturday, March 29, 2008

morning sickness (kendra)

Morning sickness, as most people seem to know these days, is a bit of a misnomer. It can hit you at any time during the day...or last the entire day for that matter. Personally, I hardly ever felt sick first thing in the morning. It was the afternoons and evenings that got me. And it was pretty miserable. I am thankful to be able to speak in the past tense about it! I never even threw up…nope, the last time I threw up was probably over 6 years ago. Not a big pastime for me, fortunately. But I definitely was nauseous. Nauseous enough that at times I had to rack my brain for extended periods of time in order to come up with some food that I could stand to eat. Nauseous enough that I could not understand how anyone in their right mind could say that they ENJOY being pregnant. Up to that point, I was not a fan. But sure enough, I fell into the category that the majority of pregnant women do, and my nausea began to subside as I transitioned into my 2nd trimester.

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