So what have we decided to do? Well first, let me say that there is one more very important thing that I have to be thankful for. The support of our family, friends, and even of strangers has been such a blessing. Thank you all for the emails, the phone calls, the thoughts, the prayers. We have been strengthened as you have come alongside us with your loving support.
We have decided on the "wait and see" option. The very next day after leaving the hospital "happened" to be the 17th of the month. On the 17th of each month at the 17th hour, our church has a healing prayer meeting. Jason and I had decided to go, and his mom, who had come up to keep me company that afternoon, decided to join us. We told everyone there our story (well at least Jason did while I cried) and then the three of us were surrounded by members of our spiritual family, who prayed for us. They prayed for healing. They prayed for wisdom. They prayed for peace and strength and guidance and faith. And we placed all of it in God's hands. We left there feeling refreshed and hopeful. We hadn't made any definite decisions yet, but I knew something had changed in that time.
The pain has, for the most part, gone away. There are still hints of it here and there, but it is nowhere near what it had been. We did decide to cancel our trip to Mexico this weekend. The risk involved with waiting and seeing is that I could end up needing emergency surgery if things took a turn for the worse. Emergency surgery in Mexico just doesn't sound like a good idea. We are still going to get away for the weekend for our "babymoon"...thanks to the generosity of Jason's parents. We are just going to head to the cool Colorado mountains instead of the beaches of Mexico.
1 comment:
Friend, I've totally read the emails and have been praying for you guys! Sorry I've been a bit MIA!!
Love to you!
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