Saturday, August 22, 2009

first steps

About 2 1/2 weeks ago, Caleb took his first steps! He was standing up against the couch and took 2 or 3 steps over to me. My reaction was kinda strange. For some reason it didn't seem like it was for real. I clearly remember when my nephew took his first steps. My sister and her family were out here visiting and I got to see him do it. It seemed like such a special moment. Simple, but sweet and memorable. But when Caleb did it, there wasn't a whole lot of excitement or wonder on my part. Maybe it was because there wasn't someone else there to share in the moment with me. I thought I should at least mention it on the blog though. I mean, it's supposed to be one of those big milestones, right? He still isn't walking, really...just takes a few steps here and there. I don't think he's in much of a hurry though. He gets around rather efficiently without it for now!

1 comment:

cwr said...

Ken, I remember well N's first steps...and I remember a similar feeling as you are describing. Of course, everyone was around to celebrate it and I got caught up in it all too. Congrats to Caleb! (Oh, and a reminder, N didn't actually 'walk' for a good month after he took those first steps towards Aunt Kendra!)