People often tell me that Caleb is such a happy baby or such a good baby or something along those lines. And I would generally agree with that statement. Sometimes he is an amazingly good baby. Like when we were at Chrissi and Ralph's wedding and he slept so well through the reception that people thought that we must have either drugged him or hidden him somewhere and put a doll in his car seat. Sometimes when people tell me how good or happy he is, they ask if he is always that way. The answer is no (sometimes a rather emphatic no depending on his recent behavior).
Caleb is a rather social little guy, which in part explains why other people often say he is such a good baby. When we're out and about and he gets to interact with new people, he's happy as a clam (wherever that expression came from). But make him stay him with mom the whole day? BORing.
Some days, my patience really wears thin. Other days I definitely feel like I'm losing my mind. Like a couple of days ago when I noticed a pair of my socks in the trash can and realized that I must have thrown them in there instead of the laundry basket. This week has been particularly challenging as he is not sleeping well...neither at night nor during the day. When he doesn't sleep well at night, I'm more tired during the day...and when he doesn't sleep well during the day, I can't get anything done. So by the time Jason gets home from work, I'm completely spent...exhausted from lack of sleep and frustrated from dealing with a rather cranky baby all day.
Whatever the cause (I have some guesses and am working on some potential solutions), I am grateful to have such an amazing, healthy, and usually happy baby. I am definitely aware that it could be much worse and that in general he is a very good baby. And, of course, I must remember that this too shall pass (and probably be closely followed by some entirely new problem). Ah, the joys of motherhood.
1 comment:
"Ah, the joys of motherhood."
You said it! ;) Their job is to drive us crazy. Sorry to hear little Caleb is doing such a good job so early. Perhaps that means when he's two he'll go easy on you. I'll keep my fingers crossed for ya. In the meantime, keep doing what you are doing: love him when you can and put him down when you can't! ;)
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