My girl,
You are amazing. Before you were born, my hope was that I would really treasure you as a baby. I've been doing a pretty good job of that, but I really haven't been doing such a good job of recording those moments that I treasure so much. Mainly, I just wish I had more videos that capture how incredibly precious you are. I do have a lot of photos at least.
This month you really mastered that sitting up thing.
You still topple over on occasion...especially when your brother is around to mess with your balance a little.
That brother of yours loves you like crazy...
But he can be a little rougher with you than he should...
Fortunately, you are pretty forgiving. You are also quite the happy little girl...
People have been asking me for a while if you're "always that happy". In the past, I hesitated when answering that because you definitely had your unhappy moments. But these days you really are happy a lot of the time (no, not always). I think that is in part because we've gotten to know you better. We know what you like. We know what you don't like. For example, we know that while you enjoy interacting with others, you tend to prefer to do so while in the safety of your mama's arms.
This month you had your first bath with your brother. He loves taking baths with you. I think it's because he likes to squirt you with water toys.
Right near the end of this month, you "found" your thumb. In layman's terms, that means you've been sucking it. Not a ton, but definitely some.
Also right at the end of this month, you started getting up on your hands and knees. You look like you're ready to take off, but haven't quite figured it out yet. It'll be fun when you do, but for now I'll enjoy your relative lack of mobility. I'll hold onto you for as long as you'll let me, baby girl!
Love always,
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