Tuesday, October 18, 2011

fall fun 2011

Last fall, I remember mourning the summer...not wanting it to end because I hadn't gotten to enjoy enough of the fun stuff that summer brings.  But this year has been different.  I've been loving fall!  I think that part of the reason is that we're actually getting a decent fall this year.  Sometimes around here it seems like summer lingers and then goes straight to winter.  But not this year.  I've been really enjoying the fall weather and the beautiful trees.

I've also been aware that the time I have left when it's just Caleb and me on the weekdays is running low.  So we've been trying to fit in some fun things before it gets more complicated to do them.

At the end of September, we drove up to Longmont and went to Sunflower Farm.  It's a super fun place for kids with all sorts of things to do like play in tree forts, feed animals, climb on tractors, swing on tire swings, play in sandboxes, ride bikes, and lots more!  I have too many fun photos from the couple of hours we spent there to fit in a collage so here's a little slideshow...

A couple of weeks ago, we went to the Children's Museum.  Unfortunately, I didn't have my camera with me because I really wanted it when Caleb was all decked out in firefighter gear and driving the fire engine.

Just today, we went to the Denver Zoo.  Caleb had such a blast with his buddy Zeb.  And I remembered the camera...

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