Friday, April 10, 2009

mama has cool friends (caleb)

Last week, Mama's friend Jodie came to visit. As you can see from this picture, I had tons of fun with her:

I can't wait until she moves out to Denver and I get to play with her more often! On Saturday (which happened to be Daddy's birthday), Mama's friend Sayward had her baby! Her name is Lahja and I can't wait to meet her!! I hear she's pretty cute...and I bet she's cool because she has such cool parents. :-)


Sayward said...

We can't wait to meet you either, Caleb! xoxo Say, Matt and Lahja Belle

Sayward said...

We can't wait for her to meet you either, I meant =)

Melissa said...

Dear Caleb,
I'm impressed with your blogging skillz!
Keep it up! :)


PS- I think you're super cute!

Jodie Skodol said...

Aww... I had tons of fun with you too, Caleb!