Dear Gabriel,
You are 6 months old. That's a half of a year! These past three months have been particularly nice. You have been more predictable, and we have settled into more of a routine. Of course, just as we have gotten the hang of things, there are changes on the horizon. It's getting to be time for you to start eating solids, which seems like a huge adjustment. I will have to find the time to feed you solids on top of nursing. I will have to find the time to make the food that you will eat. I know that I will adjust to this just as I have to everything else. But right now it feels a little daunting.
You are still such a sweetheart. Your smiles and giggles light up my days. You give sweet snuggles and kisses (or attempts to suck milk out of my face...jury is still out on which of those you are doing). And you are generally content and happy.
You are very close to sitting up, but won't really do it on your own yet. If I'm right by you, you seem to last a little longer. But all on your own, you'll topple over in seconds. Soon, though.
I still don't think you've ever rolled over from back to front. You can from front to back, but haven't done it more than a handful of times. You're pretty content on your belly so there isn't a whole lot of motivation.
You don't seem to be in too much of a hurry to grow up, which is just fine with me. I wish I could keep you this little for longer. Of course, you're still not sleeping through the night, which is not something I'm wanting to hold onto quite as much. You generally just wake up once, and want to eat when you do. But I try to remind myself that I should enjoy those sweet, quiet, middle-of-the-night moments because one day, believe it or not, I will miss them. And when I do, I will be forgetting the exhaustion that results from months of not sleeping through the night, but that's not the point.
You don't seem to be in too much of a hurry to grow up, which is just fine with me. I wish I could keep you this little for longer. Of course, you're still not sleeping through the night, which is not something I'm wanting to hold onto quite as much. You generally just wake up once, and want to eat when you do. But I try to remind myself that I should enjoy those sweet, quiet, middle-of-the-night moments because one day, believe it or not, I will miss them. And when I do, I will be forgetting the exhaustion that results from months of not sleeping through the night, but that's not the point.
Your brother and sister still adore you, and you think they are pretty cool themselves.
Lilah tends to get a little jealous when I'm taking photos of you so she works her way in when she can.
Here are a few things you've been up to recently. You had your first Christmas, which we got to spend at MorMor and MorFar's. Here are some pics from that trip.
You also got to finally meet your tia! Since you didn't decide to enter
the world while she was in the country, Tia ended up waiting almost 4 months
to meet you. But it was a sweet introduction.
And then we got to celebrate Christmas with Dada's side of the family back in CO.
Here are a few facts about you...
Nicknames: gaby baby, gabe-a-babe, gabe (mostly from your siblings), bud-bud
Nicknames: gaby baby, gabe-a-babe, gabe (mostly from your siblings), bud-bud
Weight: 17.8 lbs (50% percentile)
Height: 27 in (55% percentile)
Teeth: none
Love always,